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What to Expect at Your Prenatal Visits

What to Expect at Your Prenatal Visits

Prenatal visits are a crucial part of ensuring a healthy pregnancy for you and your little one. If this is your first pregnancy, it’s natural to feel curious about what happens during these appointments. 

Regular checkups with Jon T. Ricks, MD, and our expert team in Frisco, Texas, allow us to monitor your progress and address any concerns you may have. Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect during your prenatal visits and why they’re so important. 

What is a prenatal visit? 

This routine medical appointment — and you have several throughout your pregnancy — allows your care team to monitor your health and the development of your baby. It’s a time to discuss any concerns you may have and a way for us to ensure that we promptly address any issues that may arise. 

First prenatal visit 

Your first prenatal visit is the most thorough and in-depth. We typically schedule this appointment around eight weeks since your last period, and it sets the foundation for the care you receive throughout your pregnancy. Here’s what you can expect: 

Medical history 

We ask about your medical history, including any previous pregnancies, surgeries, or chronic conditions like diabetes or hypertension. We also inquire about any family history of genetic disorders. 

Physical exam  

Next, you undergo a physical exam, including a pelvic exam — and a Pap smear, if needed — so we can check the health of your cervix and reproductive organs.

Blood tests and lab work 

We do a variety of blood tests to check for things like your blood type, Rh factor, and anemia. These tests also screen for infections such as HIV, hepatitis B, and rubella immunity. 


You may have your first ultrasound during this visit to estimate your due date.

Routine prenatal visits

Your following routine prenatal appointments are shorter but are still just as important for tracking your health and your baby’s development. In the first and second trimesters, you typically visit our office every four weeks, and you can expect the following: 

Vital signs 

We check your blood pressure and weight at each visit to monitor for any potential issues like preeclampsia or excessive weight gain. 

Fetal heartbeat

Starting around week 12, Dr. Ricks uses a Doppler device to listen to your baby’s heartbeat, which is a huge milestone! 

Measuring fundal height

From around 20 weeks onward, we measure your abdomen, known as fundal height, to track your baby’s growth and development. 

Urine tests

Routine urine samples check for protein, glucose, and signs of infection, which can indicate conditions like gestational diabetes or urinary tract infections.

After week 26, your visits increase to every two weeks. From week 36 until you go into labor, you meet with Dr. Ricks once a week. Your prenatal visits may be more frequent if you have a high-risk pregnancy. 

With every visit, you can expect compassionate pregnancy support, keeping you and your baby healthy every step of the way. Each visit is an opportunity to address concerns, monitor progress, and get answers to any questions you may have. The better informed Dr. Ricks is, the more tailored and effective your care will be. 

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