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Benefits You Never Knew About Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a highly effective treatment for troublesome menopause symptoms because it treats them at their source: your hormones. An underlying hormone imbalance is the cause of common menopause symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, and sexual dysfunction, which can all cause major disruptions in your life. They can impact your emotional well-being, sleep schedule, and interpersonal relationships. 

If you feel that menopause symptoms are causing issues in your life, trusted obstetrician and gynecologist Jon T. Ricks, MD, can help you decide if hormone replacement therapy is the right approach to better well-being. At his namesake private practice in Frisco, Texas, serving North Dallas, Dr. Ricks provides personalized HRT to ease the transition into menopause.

Menopause basics

Menopause starts naturally at an average age of 51, but may start a little earlier or later. You might also reach menopause because of surgery that removes your ovaries called oophorectomy. You know you’ve officially reached menopause when you haven’t had a menstrual period in 12 consecutive months, but symptoms can start months or years before that as estrogen and progesterone production decline. 

Some women experience mild symptoms and don’t need much medical support as they approach menopause, but others benefit greatly from hormone replacement to balance estrogen and other hormones. Here are just a few benefits of using bioidentical hormones to treat menopause symptoms:

Restoring your sexual function

Many women find that sex just isn’t as satisfying or easy as it was pre-hormone imbalance. This is because estrogen decline causes less vaginal lubrication and elasticity. You might also experience a low libido as you approach menopause thanks to your hormones. Additionally, because of vaginal dryness, some women experience pain during sex or even bleeding. 

Hormone replacement therapy might improve some of these difficult sexual symptoms, thus restoring your sexual libido and satisfaction. The treatment can increase lubrication, sensation, and blood flow in vaginal tissues. Of course, Dr. Ricks works closely with you to help you decide on a preferred delivery method and monitors your hormone dosage throughout treatment.

Maintaining strong bones

You might not realize how much of a role the hormone estrogen plays in maintaining your bone density. The first few years after menopause can involve a quick decline in bone density and may trigger osteoporosis, which causes your bones to become brittle and prone to fractures. 

By taking bioidentical hormones, you can maintain strong bone density in your hips, spine, and other weight-bearing bones. You’ll enjoy a lower risk for bone fractures and their complications than you would otherwise. 

Other treatments for osteoporosis, like biphosphonates, can treat osteoporosis quite effectively. However, if you have other menopause symptoms or if you can’t tolerate other osteoporosis treatments, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) might be your best option.

Giving you a good night’s sleep

Nighttime menopause symptoms like hot flashes and excessive sweating can keep you up at night, making it impossible to get satisfying sleep. As a result, you might struggle with daytime tiredness and increased irritability. Nobody functions well on minimal or inconsistent sleep, so why not treat those disruptive symptoms?

Hormone replacement therapy may be your key to alleviating uncomfortable nighttime symptoms so you can fall and stay asleep. HRT is the most effective therapy for moderate to severe hot flashes and night sweats. As an added plus, you might not need to wash your sheets as often since you won’t sweat through them.

Choosing your hormone delivery method

The customizability of hormone replacement therapy is another noteworthy benefit. Can’t swallow pills? Prefer not to get shots? You can choose a hormone delivery method that makes HRT as easy and comfortable as possible for you. 

Dr. Ricks can help you choose between popular options like:

He teaches you how to use your delivery method effectively and consistently for optimal results.

For more information on hormone replacement therapy for menopause symptoms, call the office of Jon T. Ricks, MD, or request an appointment online today.

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